A message from our President

Dear Members,

As we navigate through the consistent growth and change of our city and department, I am reminded of your unwavering dedication and leadership; it defines our organization, CPFFA Local 5153. Each one of you is the reason our values, our service, and our culture are where they are today so Thank you!

I believe there are four pillars that help define this organization.

The pillar of dedication is the commitment to our mission, which drives us to excel in everything we do. Without it, we cannot truly make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Thank each of you for displaying actual dedication day in and day out, ensuring the safety and well-being of our community.

The pillar of leadership. Titles or positions do not define authentic leadership; it is about our actions and the servanthood we provide for others. Please embrace your leadership role, lead, serve, and inspire those around you.

Unity is an essential pillar for us to achieve our goals. Together, we are stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to overcome any obstacles that may come our way. Let us support one another, lift each other up, and work towards a shared vision of bettering ourselves, each other, and our community.

The last pillar is something we have all felt the calling to do, and that is to serve. Serve each other, the organization, the department, and the community. When you embrace serving, it allows you to be involved in something bigger than yourself. Continue to serve with a humble heart and the fortitude to make significant impacts.

In conclusion, thank you sincerely. Together, we will continue to make a positive impact and uphold the values that define us as members of CPFFA Local 5153.

Stay safe, stay united, and keep up the amazing work.

Warm regards,

Chris Kincaid

President, CPFFA Local 5153